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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Third San Francisco Lecture

"Now, here is a strange thing - strange if it had not been a somewhat similar experience of one’s own - that even the people who saw Lazarus raised from the dead, even those who had been fed in the wilderness, even the multitudes who were healed, didn’t believe at this particular point.  They all were willing to walk away.  The moment the test came, the trial came, the minute there was something not quite regular, even those who had benefited by this healing work were willing to walk away.

"Now, don’t think for a moment that this applies only to the people of that age.  No, it applies to the people of this age, as well.  At all times when you enter upon this work as a practitioner, or teacher, or lecturer, remember this: YOU ARE PRESENTING CHRIST – CHRIST LIVING – CHRIST OMNIPRESENT – in Christian language; IMMANUEL, in Hebrew language; TAO, in Chinese language.  You are presenting the idea of the very Imminence [sic] [Immanence] of God.  And therefore no one can build you up, since you had nothing to do with It except to become aware of It, and then become willing to share It.

"Those who do permit themselves to be built up, to develop into personalities, end up on the cross.  There is no way to prevent this because that is the nature of human experience.  We should not be here, as we shall see later, to glorify the personal self, since the personal self, whether by taking thought or by any other means, can of itself do nothing.  “I can do all things through Christ,”  That is true.  And Jesus said, “I can of mine own self do nothing.”  He knew that it was the Father within who did the work."
 - Chapter Three

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